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As we are using an updated version of Ruby that cPanel does not directly support, you will need to use SSH to start a Ruby on Rails application. If you do not have access to SSH you can request it through our Support section of our portal.

user below means the cPanel username
appname below means your RoR application name.

1. Move to the public_html directory

# cd /home/user/public_html

2. Create a symlink to the RoR app public directory, naming it as your appname

# ln -s ../rails_apps/appname/public appname

3. Move to the RoR app public folder

# cd /home/user/rails_apps/appname/public

4. Create a .htaccess file using your favorite text editor, eg. nano or vim (or you can upload one via FTP)

# nano .htaccess

5. Add the following to your .htaccess file and then save it:

RailsBaseURI /appname
PassengerAppRoot "/home/user/rails_apps/appname"
Options -Multiviews
RailsEnv production

6. You can then access the RoR app at You can create a subdomain for the RoR app as well, eg. as you see fit.

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